Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Accident and Injury Supplemental Insurance

Being in the health insurance business, I am convinced that personal injury insurance is the best kept secret in health insurance.

Why you ask? For these reasons:

It will cover the expensive out-of-pocket costs you'll be responsible for if a family member is injured, such as deductibles, co-pays and annual maximums which could potentially save you thousands of dollars.

It can help you lower monthly premiums, by allowing you to increase your deductible on your existing plan while simultaneously increasing overall coverage from a personal injury.

It will cover alternative expenses that are not included in your health insurance policy such as, Chiropractor, Physical Therapy, and even Dental Treatment...

Yes that's treatment. This accident/injury health plan can actually extend your dental benefits. Your dental benefits usually have a $1,500-$2,000 per person cap. If a family member should require dental treatment above the dental insurance annual maximum from an injury, the injury plan would pick up the difference of the dental plan cap and the injury plan max.

For example, if your son were to have several teeth knocked out from a skateboarding accident, and require a bridge costing $5,000 or more, your dental insurance would cap at $2,000 leaving you responsible for the $3,000 difference. However, with this injury coverage, the medical expenses due to his injury not covered by insurance (including dental treatment), would be covered up to the plan maximum of $5,000 or $10,000.


So don't wait another minute. You can cover EVERY family member for up to $10,000 per incident, by adding this valuable supplemental coverage to your health insurance plan NOW for only $49.95 per month for the entire family to cover the medical expenses due to an injury your health insurance won't pay for...

We Never Plan on Getting Hurt. Don't leave yourself and your family unprepared

Plan for Tomorrow, Today


How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How To Find The Right Way to Supplement Medicare Benefits   For Seniors, Why Should You Enroll In Medicare Part D?   

Medicare Part D 2011 Enrollment Periods Change

Health care reform has meant some significant changes to enrollment periods for Medicare Part D insurance. The key to enrolling in the best Part D plan for 2011 is knowing when you can and cannot enroll or make changes to your Part D insurance coverage. Special Election Periods (SEP) aside, there have traditionally been two main enrollment periods for Part D. The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) and the Open Enrollment period (OEP). The AEP will continue to be the time for Medicare beneficiaries to enroll in, or make changes to their Part D Medicare plan.

The OEP, on the other hand, will no longer be available. This was the enrollment period that began on January 1 and ended March 31. During this period, members were able to make like-to-like plan switches. The only enrollment period available for 2011 Part D plans will be the AEP. The AEP begins on November 15 and ends December 31. After this period, there will be a dis-enrollment period for Medicare Advantage plan members. Advantage plan members who would like to dis-enroll from their plan can do so beginning January 1 through February 14. If they choose to dis-enroll, they will have an opportunity to return to original Medicare and purchase a stand-alone Part D insurance plan. After that period members will be locked into their choice until December 31. You will need to make your choice count since your freedom to make plan changes has be lessened. Shop online to compare Medicare Part D insurance plans for 2011 to save time. Plan aspects that you should consider include:

The plan's formulary. Make sure your prescription drugs are included. Compare co-pays from one plan to the next. Compare individual drugs to determine if one plan includes them in a lower or higher tier than another plan. Make sure your pharmacy will accept the plan and also compare mail order benefits. Check to see if a plan will give you some coverage in the Donut Hole if there is a chance you may reach it. Compare Part D insurance plans to determine if an annual deductible is required. Consider the plan's premium in relation to all other concerns.

All of these factors will take on a little more importance for 2011 due to the Medicare Part D insurance enrollment changes. Do your homework and make your choice based on sound analysis.

How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How To Find The Right Way to Supplement Medicare Benefits   For Seniors, Why Should You Enroll In Medicare Part D?   Mortgage PMT Protection   The Finer Points of Medicare Eligibility   

Is It Important for You to Opt for Medicare Supplements Insurance?

Medicare supplements insurance plans are designed such that they can always be used along with any normal insurance plan. But you have to keep in mind that such insurance plans are certainly not designed for any one to make use of. There are a number of insurance plans that do not support them and are only considered as waste of your money. These types of plans certainly are only used for paying any type of coverage that might not be covered in your original insurance plan. When opting for any such Medicare supplements insurance, you might have different types of plans from which you can make your best selection.

You certainly can also try and collect Medicare insurance quotes from a number of insurance websites online and then collect more information on each type of plan available. Each of the plans are just the same but there are a few distinct aspects that you might have to look into. You certainly can find that each of the plans are also available in different states and are also offered by a number of insurance companies. These plans are also distributed equally amongst each of the insurance company.

It is also certain that with growing age the need for such Medicare supplements insurance also increases. If you just feel that you don't need one then it is important that you give it a second thought. The moment you visit any doctor then it is certain that you might have to make payments for your health care. In case you just don't have to pay then all your premium amount is in fact invested in these Medicare supplements insurance plans that can be used at the time of needs. These are the plans that are certainly designed such that they cover most expenses that you might require for your medical attention.

So with growing age you certainly need more amount of insurance coverage. In few cases there are also chances that you might in fact have to visit your physician very often and undergo a number of medical treatments. There are also chances that some of the treatments might in fact not be covered under any ordinary insurance plan. This is the right time that you need to consider taking plan as they are designed to cover any such expenses. These are also designed such that they might cover each of the expenses that you have to pay for medication and treatments. So the moment you are having any such effective plan then it is certain that you can recover more amount of money from the insurance companies. So in case you are married then you might only have to take a single supplement plan.

How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How To Find The Right Way to Supplement Medicare Benefits   For Seniors, Why Should You Enroll In Medicare Part D?   Mortgage PMT Protection   

Medicare Dental Benefits - Where To Get Them

Where are my Medicare dental benefits?

If you have asked this question, you are not alone. Many people who have become Medicare-eligible have either been surprised or dumb founded to learn, that for the most part, Medicare dental benefits are nearly non-existent. In fact, there are very few circumstances when Medicare will cover dental procedures.

Medicare is not comprehensive health coverage and there are several gaps that are the responsibility of the Medicare beneficiary. There is a mandatory deductible for hospitalization and 20% co-insurance required for outpatient procedures.

The Medicare legislation also includes a statutory dental exclusion. This exclusion states that:

"where such expenses are for services in connection with the care, treatment, filling, removal, or replacement of teeth or structures directly supporting teeth, except that payment may be made under part A in the case of inpatient hospital services in connection with the provision of such dental services if the individual, because of his underlying medical condition and clinical status or because of the severity of the dental procedure, requires hospitalization in connection with the provision of such services."

In 1980 the exclusion was amended to allow Medicare dental benefits for inpatient hospital services when the dental procedure itself made hospitalization necessary. Medicare will also pay for dental services that are part of a covered expense. This could include reconstruction of the jaw due to an injury. Medicare dental benefits are also available for the extraction of teeth related to radiation treatment and in some cases will pay for an oral exam (but not treatment) prior to kidney transplants or heart valve surgery.

Medigap will not help - an Advantage plan may

Purchasing a Medigap insurance policy will not get you dental coverage. Medigap policies do not include dental benefits and only the gaps from a covered procedure will be paid. By definition, a Medigap policy will fill the gaps of Medicare covered claims, not offer additional benefits.

The only opportunity to receive dental benefits beyond what's included in Medicare, is to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that includes dental benefits. Not all Medicare Advantage plans include dental benefits and many that do, only offer discounts for certain procedures.

An Advantage plan is not a Medicare supplement, but rather another way to receive your Medicare benefits. One benefit of an Advantage plan is the ability to receive benefits that are beyond what Medicare provides. Before you enroll in a Medicare advantage plan you should understand the differences between a Medigap policy and an Advantage plan.

Not all Advantage plans are created equal. Some will include the extra benefits that you are looking for and others will not. Some will offer only discounts on dental services, while other will include dental insurance as part of the plan. Compare Medicare Advantage plans online to determine which plans include the right Medicare dental benefits for you.

How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How To Find The Right Way to Supplement Medicare Benefits   For Seniors, Why Should You Enroll In Medicare Part D?   

How to Get Medicare Supplement Insurance!

You must know that to ensure total coverage of your health needs, you can not depend on just the Medicare services. These services have a number of gaps and it ends up covering for just a part of your health oriented expenditure. For complete coverage you need to depend upon the Medicare supplement insurance.

Does that ring a bell? If it does not, then let me remind you of the Medigap policy. Well the medical supplement insurance is more commonly known as Medigap. Since the government is not able to cover for all your health insurance requirements, the medical health insurance companies have been assigned 12 different standardized plans to help you not to burn a hole in your pocket for these various kinds of health requirements. They have several kinds of supplement insurance quotes. Read on to know more about them.

For complete medical health insurance coverage, you definitely need to choose a medigap policy. But how do you choose the medigap policy. You need to check with the State department of Medicare supplement insurance, as to which are the different medigap policies that are there for you. You might also be referred to the SHIP. SHIP is a program that is funded by the federal government to help all those medigap recipients in making an informed decision. Before making your decision you might want to check out whether you really need the policy. More often than not, companies often allow their retired employee a number of health benefits. You also should know all about their different plans about the supplement insurance quotes.

Go through the terms and conditions of each of these policies of the Medicare supplement insurance very carefully. See what each of these policies is covering. Check which on covers the needs that are specific to you. Be very careful to compare the different supplement insurance quotes. Compare the quotes and see which one works out best for you in terms of the money. Do not let the agent talk you into getting a more expensive policy or a double policy. Be aware of what you really need and what these medical health insurance policies are offering. That will help you make an informed decision.

How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How To Find The Right Way to Supplement Medicare Benefits   For Seniors, Why Should You Enroll In Medicare Part D?   Mortgage PMT Protection   The Finer Points of Medicare Eligibility   

Reasons Individuals Benefit From Medicare Supplemental Insurance

There are great member of reasons that people might require Medicare supplement insurance. Disabled people quite often have extremely high medical costs that are not covered by government insurance. If a person is in the hospital for an extended stay, the costs are only covered part of the time in many situations. This leaves the person that was in the hospital to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills.

Countless individuals with very severe disabilities have difficulty paying for their medical needs. The structure of the current government program does not factor in the costly nature of dealing with a disability as part of daily life. When a person needs to have medical worked on they often have to choose between other necessities in life and their health.

Unfortunately, traditional government insurance only covers a portion of medical costs and treatment. The good news is there are many plans available for people that are looking to double cover themselves for any reason. This is beneficial for individuals who are trying to make sure that they do not go into debt for any medical reason.

Self-employed individuals often have the opportunity to look into extra coverage. Some nonprofit organizations also will help with the cost of medical insurance depending on the circumstances of the individual involved. If a person has extra coverage they will not have to worry about the cost of medical bills in the future being too high.

Many people are not aware that the government does not cover all medications. Sometimes people have to make a decision between having food on the table and paying for their medication. Having supplemental coverage helps a person to take their necessary medications for longer than they would if they did not have this coverage.

A lot of people are concerned about the cost of extra coverage. There are many plans available for emergency only situations. The premiums on emergency plans are usually pretty reasonable. Talking with as many agents as possible will help an individual to find the correct plan for their needs and budget.

Medicare supplement insurance is something that every person should consider finding for themselves. It is not realistic to expect a government agency to be able to cover all of the health expenses of the elderly and disabled population. The more knowledge of person has about the existing plans, the better they will be able to protect themselves when sickness does occur. It is extremely important to have as much insurance as possible.

How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How To Find The Right Way to Supplement Medicare Benefits   For Seniors, Why Should You Enroll In Medicare Part D?   Mortgage PMT Protection   The Finer Points of Medicare Eligibility   

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